Which is a flagellated collar cell that create and maintain water flow through the sponge?
A. Pinacocytes
B. Spongocytes
C. Rhabdiferous cells
D. Choanocytes
Platyhelminthes exhibit which type of symmetry?
A. Radial symmetry B. Bilateral symmetry C. Pentamerous radial symmetry D. Asymmetrical
‘Catch connective tissue’ is found in which phylum
A. Echinodermata B. Porifera C. Molluscs D. Cnidaria
Water vascular system is found in which phylum
A. Echinodermata B. Porifera C. Molluscs D. Cnidaria
Symmetry exhibited by echinoderms
A. Radial B. Bilateral C. Pentamerous radial D. Biradially symmetrical
Which is most appropriate for symmetry exhibited by Ctenophores
A. Radial B. Bilateral C. Pentamerous radial D. Biradially symmetrical
Porifera exhibit which type of symmetry?
A. Radial B. Bilateral C. Pentamerous radial D. Asymmetrical
‘veliger larva’ is the planktonic larva found mostly in
A. Platyhelminthes B. Nematoda C. Molluscs D. Annelida
Which is the copper containing respiratory pigment present in Mollusca?
A. Hemosiderin B. Hemocyanin C. Anthocyanins D. Leghemoglobin